About Jing Tao

Originally born in China to a working-class family, Jing Tao knew from a very early age that she wanted to make a difference and leave her mark on society. Chasing the American dream, Jing’s family immigrated to the United States where her parents worked tirelessly to give her a better life.

In her teens Jing began experiencing undiagnosed symptoms which hindered her ability to live a “normal” life. Undeterred Jing pushed on, being accepted to Purdue University with an interest in pursuing law. However with symptoms continuing to plague Jing, she was eventually forced to withdraw from her program.

Hope and relief came in the form of an official diagnoses of Lupus, an autoimmune condition which disproportionately affects women minorities. It was at this moment Jing knew how she could leave her mark on the world. In 2020, Jing started the Tao Foundation, a non-profit organization which focuses on improving society through programs and charitable giving. Every year the Tao Foundation selects causes from four pillars of society in an effort of making the world a better place to live in; Health, Community, Children, and Animals.